
General Assembly at EZ AGRAR


At the general assembly on June 6th, 2018, the continuously positive development of the company and the new elections to the management and supervisory board were the main focus of the event Mr. Harald Herber, managing director of subsidiary company LK TECH was newly elected to management. Ms. Magdalena Pichler from Kirchschlag (Lower Austria) and Mr. Hansjörg Stöckl from Westendorf (Tyrol) were newly elected to the supervisory board.

The EZ AGRAR group was able to make use of the positive atmosphere in the market, recording a substantial growth in 2017 as the total market. The initial turnover in the company was around 10%. It can be concluded that EZ AGRAR, with its manufacturers, is increasing in market shares and was able to use the positive market conditions better than the general trend.

General market and business development:
International development in the agricultural sector can be rated very positively for the calendar year 2017. The price of milk and especially of butter reached a high level in 2017. The price development for meat and field crops was also positive. The reason for these developments is the world population growth - the population increases by around 80 million people per year. Furthermore, the nutritional habits of citizens of BRICS countries as well as emerging countries are changing to include a larger portion of meat consumption.

The economic year 2017 was characterized by higher producer prices in Europe and Austria. This led further to a positive atmosphere when it came to the investment decisions of the customers.

EZ AGRAR would like to thank its owners for their loyalty and predicts a positive second half of 2018.


"He who stops being better stops being good." Our claim to superb quality and performance is high: For service, for our products and for the advancement our employees. We are particularly pleased that our daily work and our achievements have been awarded special honors.

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EZ AGRAR Headquarter Linz

Salzburger Straße 38
A-4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 / 347266-0
Fax: +43 732 / 347266-140
Opening hours
8.00 - 12.30 and 13.00 - 17.00
8.00 - 12.30
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VarioWelt Wallern

Hafnerstraße 1
A-4702 Wallern an der Trattnach
Tel.: +43 7249 / 43700-0
Fax: +43 7249 / 43700-240
Opening hours
8.00 - 12.30 and 13.00 - 17.00
8.00 - 12.30

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